Your WordPress upgrade checklist


 Your Information is 100% Secure And Will Never Be Shared With Anyone.

Someone once told me that a Wordpress website requires maintenance - just like a car does.

You can't expect to not maintain a site and have it run at peak performance.

We’ve had quite a few issues recently, with client websites we have inherited from other agencies.

Some of these issues have included:
💥 Wordpress themes updating automatically, with plugins not being compatible with the updates, causing errors with the site;
💥 Links breaking,

💥 Clients being unable to log in to the dashboard to make updates,

💥 ...and even confidential information being at risk due to security being out of date. 😱

I know that upgrading your WordPress website can be daunting - I've got you.

In this free guide
you will learn:

  • WHY you need to upgrade your website regularly
  • The VITAL step you MUST do before upgrading ANYTHING on your website
  • The best time to upgrade your site

This freebie is your gift to say thank you for listening to the Boom Your Biz Podcast. If you want to listen to the full episode, check out episode 93.