7 steps to getting your team to show up on Instagram


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If you thought that video was going to be another flash-in-the-pan social media fad, I hate to be the bearer of bad news: video content is here to stay, to the extent that Instagram has announced that it is no longer an image-sharing platform, it is a video-content platform. 

For that reason, if you’ve been a bit resistant when it comes to getting in front of the camera or filming behind the scenes content, you may want to reconsider your stance.

From a marketer’s perspective, there’s nothing better than video for connecting with an audience. So it’s pretty clear, if it wasn’t already - if you want to reach more people, you’re going to have to jump on the video bandwagon.

It may not be quick, easy or comfortable,
but it’s absolutely worth it.

In this free guide
you will learn:

  • Why it's important that you as the business owner, understand what goes into making a video
  • What you can do to get your team more excited about creating video content
  • Why you need to get the whole team involved

This freebie is your gift to say thank you for listening to the Boom Your Biz Podcast. If you want more tips on how to get your team more involved on your Instagram stories, check out episode 88.